Custom section style


I’ve a timeline with their sections and subsections loaded from a database. Is it possible to style the subsection depending on its properties?

For example, this subsection have this properties:

I’d like that, based on the “contracte” property, apply some CSS to the row or the TD of the subsection text.

yes, you can use this template to return your additional CSS class to the cell of the row label: … plate.html

Thx! It seems the good way to go… but it didn’t work for me? :frowning:

I added this after scheduler initialization (the timeline name is “timeline_week”):

scheduler.templates.timeline_week_scaley_class = function(key, label, section) { return "test"; };

And in the CSS file I added this class:

.test { background-color: yellow !important; color: red !important; border: 1px solid red; }

But nothing changes, as you can see in the generated DOM there isn’t any test class:

If I only change "scheduler.templates.timeline_week_scaley_class = function(key, label, section) { " by the “scheduler.templates.timeline_cell_class = function(evs, date, section){” the event columns get the yellow background.

Why it didn’t work for the scaley_class? At which element of the DOM the class is added?


If you are using

createTimelineView({ name:"timeline"

template name will be


not a timeline_week_scaley_class

Also, beware that scales are repainted only when you are changing active view, so you can move the template initialization before init command, to be safe.

I’m using

scheduler.createTimelineView({ name:"timeline_week",

So the scheduler.templates.timeline_week_scaley_class seems ok. Indeed if I put an alert inside it is showed.

Do you mean setting the

scheduler.templates.timeline_week_scaley_class = function(key, label, section) { return "test"; };

Before the

scheduler.init('calendari', new Date(),"timeline_week");


I tried without luck :frowning:

Do you have a demo?
How can I debug?

I can confirm this issue in the tree view of the timeline. Please find attached a fixed version. (2.64 KB)

Thx, it works!!! It will be part of the next version?

You are welcome. I think yes, it will be included in the update.

It isn’t fixed in v4

Can I have an v4 dhtmlxscheduler_treetimeline.js version with this issue fixed?

Hi Dimass, thanks for reporting.
The fix will be included in the upcoming version of the component, which will be released in the nearest days. If you send me a PM in a couple of hours, i’ll be able to send you a pre-release build

hi Dimass,

I understand from your post that you are able to load the section and subsections from a database. I am new in this and i was wondering if you can give sample codes on how to do this.

I am using the default example from dhtmlxScheduler_v4.1.0\samples\06_timeline\03_tree.html and i was trying to replace the code

var elements = [ // original hierarhical array to display
    {key:10, label:"Web Testing Dep.", open: true, children: [
        {key:20, label:"Elizabeth Taylor"},
        {key:30, label:"Managers",  children: [
            {key:40, label:"John Williams"},
            {key:50, label:"David Miller"}
        {key:60, label:"Linda Brown"},
        {key:70, label:"George Lucas"}
    {key:110, label:"Human Relations Dep.", open:true, children: [
        {key:80, label:"Kate Moss"},
        {key:90, label:"Dian Fossey"}

with something like

var elements = mytree.load("mytree.php");

with server mytree.php code as

$res = pg_connect(" ... ");   

$tree = new TreeGroupConnector($res);
$tree->render_table("employee", "id", "name", "", "dept");

But i am not sure where to get the module “mytree” to call “mytree.load” or if this is correct at all.

Please advise. Thanks.


Anyone who can answer my previous post would also be really appreciated.


I managed to find the answer here :

Cheers :smiley: