Custom sorting on Link column

I have a grid where i have a columns displaying text, but with an underlying link loaded from xml, see example:

<row id="1">
<a href='processes_management_new.cfm?ID=AB73DB0A-16E6-88E3-2C18C5227436F730'><img src=/ao_includes/version1_0/dhtmlx/dhtmlxTree/codebase/imgs/csh_dhx_skyblue/_process.png border=0 alt=Hoofdproces></a>
<a href='processes_management_new.cfm?ID=AB73DB0A-16E6-88E3-2C18C5227436F730' style="color:black;">Bedrijfsdoelstellingen</a>
<cell>Marc Steentjes MFP</cell>
<![CDATA[ ]]>
<a href="javascript:deleteItem('AB73DB0A-16E6-88E3-2C18C5227436F730',1);"><img src=/ao_includes/version1_0/layouts/images/icons/delete.png border=0></a>

Now I want to order on the text, but it orders on the text in the cdata.
How can i have this working correctly?

Please, try to use the “link” exCell which allows to sort your links correctly.
Otherwise you will have to cut off all the unnecessary chars in your custom sorting function manually.