custom tool tips not showing up

I can change the events and its working however I can not change the code in the tool tips

In my jsp I have

[code] s.templates.setEventHeader(“Subject: {notes}”); //works
s.templates.setEventText("{notes} {text}"); //works

       s.templates.setTooltipText("message {notes}");  //not working[/code]

This turns into the following html

	scheduler.templates.tooltip_text = function(start,end,ev){
	var temp = "";temp += "message " + ev.notes + "";
 return temp;
	scheduler.templates.event_text = function(start,end,ev){
	var temp = "";temp += "" + ev.notes + " " + ev.text + "";
 return temp;
	scheduler.templates.event_header = function(start,end,ev){
	var temp = "";temp += "Subject: " + ev.notes + "";
 return temp;

I do not see any html for the event functions however they work and are called before the setTooltipText.

please, make sure that you’ve enabled tooltip extention:


in my jsp I have


And here is my list of imports <%@ page import="com.dhtmlx.planner.extensions.DHXExtension,com.dhtmlx.planner.*,*,, com.dhtmlx.planner.controls.*,com.dmrcom.calendar.DMREvent,java.util.*;" %>

I have also tried the following but it fails also.

   DHXPlanner s = new DHXPlanner("./codebase/", DHXSkin.TERRACE);

could you provide complete code?
I tried to get it to work at local computer and it works correctly.

Here is my jsp file. I am getting the default popup for tooltips.

<%@page import=“com.dhtmlx.planner.api.DHXTimeSpanMarker”%>
<%@page import=“com.dmrcom.calendar.DMREvent.DMREventType”%>

DMR Calendar

<%= getPlanner(request) %>
<%@ page import="com.dhtmlx.planner.extensions.DHXExtension,com.dhtmlx.planner.*,*,, com.dhtmlx.planner.controls.*,com.dmrcom.calendar.DMREvent,java.util.*;" %> <%! String getPlanner(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { DHXPlanner s = new DHXPlanner("./codebase/", DHXSkin.TERRACE);;

       //set the date to today 
       Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
       Date date = new Date();
	   int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
	   int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
	   int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
       s.setInitialDate(year, month, day);


		DHXExternalLightboxForm box = s.lightbox.setExternalLightboxForm("./custom_editor.jsp", 400, 375);
       //make the whole thing popup.
       // use to overwrite the title and body
       s.templates.setEventBarText("testing header event");
       s.templates.setEventText(" {notes}");
       s.templates.setTooltipText("message {notes}");
       s.load("events.jsp", DHXDataFormat.JSON);"events.jsp");
       return s.render();




I tried your code at local computer, it works.
Could you provide a complete demo or link to page with calendar?

I sent you a pm with a link


I had a look at your demo. You tooltip works correctly for me, so please, specify which browser do you use:

To get the correct template for tooltips you should remove the follow code from your jsp:

<script src="./codebase/ext/dhtmlxscheduler_tooltip.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

Javaplanner includes this file itself.

Save doesn’t work for some server reasons. I’ve had a look at request - it doesn’t return any response, so I guess that there is some problem on server side (method saveEvent I guess)

You are seeing the default tool tip. I have in my jsp

       s.templates.setTooltipText("message {notes}");

So I would expect the large amount of text which is my notes field to show up on the tool tip.

Regarding the save
My saveEvents never gets called when I hit the save button.


I re-read you message, after removing the code I am now getting what I expect. Thanks for helping with that part.