Custom Working Day hours at Timeline

How could I set the daily working hours from 07:00 to 15:00 and step 1 hour?

Sorry, forgot to say… wordpress platform

There is no way to configure it but you might customize plugin code. Modify dhtmlxSchedulerConfigurator.php like here:

case 'working_day':
	$timeline = 'scheduler.locale.labels.'.$field['name'].'timeline_tab = "'.$field['dsc'].'";';
	$timeline .= 'scheduler.createTimelineView({ ';
	$timeline .= 'name: "'.$field['name'].'timeline", ';
	$timeline .= 'x_unit: "hour", ';
	$timeline .= 'x_date: "%H:%i", ';
	$timeline .= 'x_step: 1, ';
	$timeline .= 'x_size: 8, ';
	$timeline .= 'x_start: 7, ';
	$timeline .= 'x_length: 12, ';
	$timeline .= 'y_property:"'.$field['name'].'", ';
	$timeline .= 'render: "bar", y_unit: [ ';
	$timeline_add = "";

I did it and I got some results but the button in red is not working

Also modify the follow line in the same place:

$timeline .= 'x_length: 24, ';

It worked! thx!!!