custome control in lightbox

I have added two custom controls in the lightbox which is color and number input respectively.
But both of the controls doesn’t display properly in IE11 and Chrome.

// IE11

// Chrome



    <div style="height: 509px; width: 100%;">
        <%= Me.Scheduler.Render()%>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        scheduler.form_blocks["number"] = {
            render: function (sns) {
                return "<div class='dhx_cal_block'><input type='number' min='1'/></div>";
            set_value: function (node, value, ev) {
                node.firstChild.value = value || "";
            get_value: function (node, ev) {
                return node.firstChild.value;
            focus: function (node) {
                var a = node; scheduler._focus(a, true);

        scheduler.form_blocks["color"] = {
            render: function (sns) {
                return "<div class='dhx_cal_block'><input type='color'/></div>";
            set_value: function (node, value, ev) {
                node.firstChild.value = value || "";
            get_value: function (node, ev) {
                return node.firstChild.value;
            focus: function (node) {
                var a = node; scheduler._focus(a, true);


[code]Public Class LightboxNumber
Inherits LightboxField
Public Sub New(name As String, Optional label As String = Nothing)
MyBase.New(name, label)
Me.Height = 60
Me.Type = “number”
End Sub
End Class

Public Class LightboxColor
Inherits LightboxField
Public Sub New(name As String, Optional label As String = Nothing)
MyBase.New(name, label)
Me.Height = 60
Me.Type = “color”
End Sub
End Class[/code]

Unfortunately, your screens doesn’t show. Could you describe your problem?
It seems your controls shows correctly in Chrome.

But possibly you shouldn’t use such input types in IE11:

For Chrome, the distance between the text and control is too close. How can i align them properly as per image below?

Unfortunately, your image doesn’t show.
You can add padding to your input container or just use “dhx_cal_ltext” class.
For example:

<div class='dhx_cal_block dhx_cal_ltext'><input type='color'/></div>

ok. thanks…