I recently updated the version of my scheduler and now all my calendar views throw the error “d is undefined” in dhtmlxscheduler.js when ever I open a lightbox.
Error as reported in Firebug
TypeError: d is undefined
…_lightbox||scheduler.getLightbox();var e=document.getElementById(d.id),f=e.nextS…
You are correct that the problem is in the lightbox sections. If I remove the recurring section and the error goes away.
So I then put the previous version of dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js on the server and added my recurring section back into the lightbox and everything works fine.
So what has changed in this version of dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js
quite a lot of small things might have been changed. So it’s really problematic to point out the possible issue without having more details (btw, what version you use now and what version did you use before?)
The recurring extension by itself does not cause such error - docs.dhtmlx.com/scheduler/sample … vents.html
Could you please provide a demo, so we could reproduce it?
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