[DataProcessor] "onAfterUpdate" gets empty response in IE11


I have encountered following issue in IE11.431:

I have attached “onAfterUpade” event on my data processor.
It works as should in classic browsers, but in IE the response parameter seems to be an empty object (according to console “[object] { }”) although there is returned a normal response from the server.

Do you have any idea?

EDIT: I have version of scheduler 4.4.0, do you think this could be an issue?

EDIT2: When I emulate IE11 in Edge, it will throw an exception “ReferenceError: ‘ActiveXObject’ is not defined” leading to “dtmlXMLLoaderObject.prototype.loadXML (…/codebase/dhtmlxscheduler.js?m=1517553512:17:413)”

Could you please check if this issue is still actual in dhtmlxScheduler v5.0?