DataView error with Vault

I have DataView from Suite file and additionaly added Vault files. While Vault files are loaded then while calling DataView constructor I receive the following:

[code]TypeError: dhtmlx.assert_enabled is not a function


When I remove script tags that load Vault files DataView works fine.

Try to check the files order in the library: first must be vault witll all its files then must be dataview files


I am usind Suite’s dhtmlx.js file. Shall it be after Vault’s files?

Yes, try, please


after placing Vault’s files before dhtmlx.js:


html,body {height: 100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;} #header {height: 42px; } [/code]

I receive the following errors:

[code]TypeError: dhtmlx.Type is undefined


int_functions.js (wiersz 5)
ReferenceError: dhtmlXLayoutObject is not defined

dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body,“2U”);


If it is not urgent for you, you can wait till Monday - it will be DHTMLX 4.1 release, and you can use updated dhtmlx.js which includes vault component

Sure, thx


Unfortunately Vault is not included in 4.1

TypeError: dhxWindow.attachVault is not a function var dhxVault = dhxWindow.attachVault({

When I add Vault’s files the UI does not work at all:

TypeError: dhtmlxEvent.initTouch is not a function ...}}}};function dhtmlXTreeObject(l,h,c,a){dhtmlxEvent.initTouch();if(_isIE){try{do...

Sorry, it was in plans, but it was changed "in 5 minutes before reliase "

OK, so now please help me to solve the issue as after upgrading to 4.1 I am totally unable to run Vault.

When I add Vaults files in the following sequience:



I receive following errors:

[code]TypeError: dhtmlx.Type is undefined

int_functions.js (line 5)

dhtmlx.js (line 9)
TypeError: dhtmlxEvent.initTouch is not a function
…}}}};function dhtmlXTreeObject(l,h,c,a){dhtmlxEvent.initTouch();if(_isIE){try{do…



please send your demo to or attach via ticket system


demo sent.


thanks for demo. Please try attached updates. (17.1 KB)

this should fix ‘TypeError: dhtmlxEvent.initTouch is not a function’


I applied your sollution, but it works only on Firefox.
On Safari (MAC) or Chrome (MAC and WIN7) unfortunately not.

On Safari I get this error:

[Error] TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'dhtmlxEvent.initTouch()') dhtmlXTreeObject (dhtmlx.js, line 9) (anonimowa funkcja) (dhtmlx.js, line 9) attachTree (dhtmlx.js, line 9) createTree (int_functions.js, line 71) buildMainInterface (int_functions.js, line 154)

On Chrome:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function dhtmlx.js:9dhtmlXTreeObject dhtmlx.js:9window.(anonymous function) dhtmlx.js:9dhtmlXCellObject.attachTree dhtmlx.js:9createTree int_functions.js:71buildMainInterface int_functions.js:154

one more try :slight_smile: (17 KB)


thank you, now it seems to be working.