I have DataView from Suite file and additionaly added Vault files. While Vault files are loaded then while calling DataView constructor I receive the following:
[code]TypeError: dhtmlx.assert_enabled is not a function
If it is not urgent for you, you can wait till Monday - it will be DHTMLX 4.1 release, and you can use updated dhtmlx.js which includes vault component
dhtmlx.js (line 9)
TypeError: dhtmlxEvent.initTouch is not a function
…}}}};function dhtmlXTreeObject(l,h,c,a){dhtmlxEvent.initTouch();if(_isIE){try{do…
I applied your sollution, but it works only on Firefox.
On Safari (MAC) or Chrome (MAC and WIN7) unfortunately not.
On Safari I get this error:
[Error] TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'dhtmlxEvent.initTouch()')
dhtmlXTreeObject (dhtmlx.js, line 9)
(anonimowa funkcja) (dhtmlx.js, line 9)
attachTree (dhtmlx.js, line 9)
createTree (int_functions.js, line 71)
buildMainInterface (int_functions.js, line 154)
On Chrome:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function dhtmlx.js:9dhtmlXTreeObject dhtmlx.js:9window.(anonymous function) dhtmlx.js:9dhtmlXCellObject.attachTree dhtmlx.js:9createTree int_functions.js:71buildMainInterface int_functions.js:154