date of calendar on click day

I have a event from 1 August to 14 August. I want to click in a day, for example 3 August, and I show it. I want to have the date actually.

I have event CLICK:

scheduler.attachEvent(“onClick”, function (event_id, native_event_object){
return false;

If I understood correctly, you need to use

alert(event_object.start_date); //start date of event

If you need to access, not start date, but date of clicked position - such value can’t be obtained through existing API

But I want the date on your calendar where I do click.

When I do click on a calendar date to create a new event, it automatically puts this date at the start and end date, how do you do?

There are inner methods, which can convert event position to the date.
But there is no public API for such functionality.

For which use-case you need a date at the clicked position?

I have a week-long event and I need to have a report for each day, for example. I need a daily report. I can have a one day event or a recursive event. What can I do?

Something like next may work

var pos=this._mouse_coords(e);
var start=this._min_date.valueOf()+(pos.y*this.config.time_step+(this._table_view?0:pos.x)2460)*60000;

And where do I put it?

Can you get a function to return the class that day?

It’s ready. It already work!

scheduler.attachEvent(“onMouseMove”, function (id, e, html){
var pos=scheduler._mouse_coords(e);
var start=scheduler._min_date.valueOf()+(pos.y*scheduler.config.time_step+(scheduler._table_view?0:pos.x)2460)*60000;
alert(new Date(start));
return false;

Ohhh, but it doesn’t work in year view!!

Scheduler doesn’t have built in logic to translate mouse position into date in the year view ( but html elements of year view have “date” attribute , which can be used to get clicked date )

But, how it do I?
I have this event and I necessary the “date”:

scheduler.attachEvent(“onClick”, function (event_id, native_event_object){

[code]dhtmlxEvent(scheduler._els[“dhx_cal_data”][0], “click”, function(e){
if (!scheduler._mode == “year”) return;

var e = e || event;
var src =||e.srcElement;
if ((src.className||"").indexOf(“dhx_month_head”)!=-1){
var start = scheduler.templates.xml_date(src.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute(“date”));