Deal with large amount of data in single node tree!

I need to deal with a node has child more than 1000 .
so I use the Smart Rendering ,but it has the effect of delay and display a white area and
the data loading need 2~4 seconds when I open the node and downing the scroll bar。
how should i do ,if i want to reduce show a white area of time and speed up display node speed.

It is a standard behavior of Smart Rendig - look at the sample: … ering.html

Tree really needs some time for rendering of elements

I know . it has two question:
one : if a node has 500 child node , when I scroll down the scrollbar that is too slow,
Because in the visual areas need to render 45 node and it need 2-4 s ,

two :when I kept fast drag down scrollbar ,the browser will be very card and it has the effect of delay and display a white area .

what can speed up the rendering speed 。
How to modify Smart Rendering method?

What can speed up the rendering speed?
How to modify Smart Rendering method?
Unfortunately, there is no way…