Deciding between onTaskDblClick and onTaskClick

When I attach onTaskDblClick and onTaskClick events, if I double-click on a task, onTaskClick fires twice and then onTaskDblClick fires.
How can I make this so that only onTaskDblClick fires?

Hello @Kiriu ,

This behavior occurs because the browser generates both dbl-click and single click in case of dbl-click action, and the current gantt implementation can’t avoid it.

If you want to have the code which will run on a real single click, you can use the following workaround:

var sin_timer = null;
function sin_click(event_id, native_event_object)
  if (sin_timer == null)
    sin_timer = window.setTimeout(real_onclick, 500 );
  return true;
function dbl_click(event_id, native_event_object)
  sin_timer = null;

  return true;
function real_onclick()
  alert("I'm called only for real single clicks");
  sin_timer = null;
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskDblClick", dbl_click)
gantt.attachEvent("onTaskClick", sin_click)

Here is a demo:

I had written something else using setTimeout, but I’ll rewrite it based on yours.
Thank you very much.