default_date changes

A question belonging to Scheduler for Joomla version:

Is it possible to change the default day to a format like “Saturday, 03. October 2011” from the joomla backend component? I miss the possibility to show the full name weekday in “day view”, “week view” and “day unit view”, but can’t succeed in adding the full name.

%I, %d. %F %Y brings the wrong format “%I Saturday, 03. October 2011” - or can this only be done within some scripting files?

Thanks for your hints,


You are using in ‘%I’ capital letter i (Italy, impossible, interesting) instead of lowercase letter L (letter, lazy, long).
If to replace this letter it works properly.

Hi Radyno,

thanks for your reply and solution - I was soooo stupid, again the mismatch between “l” and “i” :unamused:

Now everything works smoothly! Thanks again!
