function removeRow(){
var selId = mygrid.getSelectedId()
alert(“Select row for deletion!!”);
return ;
var answer = confirm(“Are you sure you want to delete row?”);
if (answer)
var cid = document.getElementById(“cname”).value;
url :"/adtvworld/viewCampaign",
type :“POST”,
data :{action:“deleteRow”,selId:selId,cid:cid},
jQuery("#rmStatus").fadeIn(“50”).text(“Video Removed !!..”).fadeOut(9000);
This function will delete one row at a time… i need to delete multiple rows select and delete…
Thanks and Regards
Ravindra B
In case of multi-selection in grid ( enableMultiselect ) , getSelectedId returns not a single ID but comma separated list, so you can split at and execute deleteRow for necessary IDs
Also, there is a built in method deleteSelectedRows - which will delete all currently selected rows.