Deleting the column that contains merged cell

What is the proper process to be followed while deleting the column which has a cell that is merged with cell in next column?

Should the cells of the column to be deleted be split before deleting?

Kindly tell me the correct procedure for deleting a column for the above scenario.

N one more thing when I m deleting the column that contains merged cells some of the adjacent cells become

green in color after deleting the column. How to avoid this?

What is the proper process to be followed while deleting the column which has a cell that is merged with cell in next column?
Any group of merged cells which include column in question must be splited ( can be done by grid.setColspan(id,ind,1) for necessary cells )

>>the adjacent cells become green in color after deleting the column
The issue may be caused by deleting column with merged cells ( such operation corrupts column structure , which may produce different visual problems).
If issue occurs after deleting column without colspans - please provide any kind of sample where it can be reconstructed or link to the demo page.