dhmtlXLoaderObject async = false not working on 1.6


I have

cellUpdater = new dhtmlXMLLoaderObject(doUpdateCell, window, false);

then I have a function that uses above object

function sendServerCellUpdateRequest(rId){


    var rowValuesAr = getCellsArray(rId);    


        var action = “add”;


    var url = actionURL+"?do="+(!action?“update”:action)+"&id="+rId+"&values="+rowValuesAr.join("|");

    cellUpdater.loadXML(url+"&un="+Date.parse(new Date()));



function below get triggered “SYNCHRONOUSLY” if the above is working properly

function doUpdateCell() {

    if (cellUpdater.xmlDoc.responseXML == null) {

        alert(‘Wrong value’);

        mygrid.updateFromXMLSync(loadDataURL + “&rowId=” + currentRow);

        if(typeof afterUpdateCell == ‘function’)





    else {

        var root = cellUpdater.getXMLTopNode(“status”);

        var oldId = root.getAttribute(“oldid”)

        var rowId = root.getAttribute(“rowid”)

        if (oldId != rowId) {            




        mygrid.setUserData(rowId, “changed”, “0”)

        mygrid.setUserData(rowId, “new”, “0”)

        mygrid.updateFromXMLSync(loadDataURL + “&rowId=” + rowId);


        if(typeof afterUpdateCell == ‘function’)






The dhtmlXLoaderObject is working in Async mode even if my third argument to constructor is false.



I’m not sure which build you are using , but dhtmlxcommon.js taken from grid 1.6 works correclty.
The latest version of js file and working sample attached to email.

1217950766.zip (6.41 KB)
dhtmlxcommon16.zip (5.33 KB)