DHTML tree - question

For a (pet) project I am working on I am in need of a menu tree and was refferd to you site via rent a coder. I have had a close look at your DHTML tree professional application documentation but was unable to find whether it is possible for a user to add or delete a node (leaf).

Based on a standard Wiki is is the objective that a (logged in) user is able to add and/or change or delete a main group (folder) as well as maintain his/her own node (leaf). The node is part of a main group - like is the case with the tree.

The DHTML tree needs to be build into the Wiki.

Can you please let me know if a visitor can:

- add, change and/or delete a main group (provided there is no third party data);

- add, change and/or delete her/his own node.

Your feedback is most appreciated.



The tree allows to add|delete|change nodes dynamically
( for changing item text “inline edit” can be used as well )

So, there is no technical limitation which can cause problems for described use-cases