dhtml window with grid issue

We have an issue when we attach a grid to a dhtmlx window.

We have two fields we filter the 2 grid columns for.

When we type into the filter input text field it should filter the results as we type.

But it gives error:

row is null

_get_cell_value()(null, 0, undefined)dhtmlxgrid.js (line 837)

collectValues()(0, “06”)dhtmlxgr…filter.js (line 18)

filterBy()([0, 1 0=0 1=1], [“06”, “” 0=06], undefined)dhtmlxgr…filter.js (line 15)

onchange()()dhtmlxgr…filter.js (line 23)

onkeydown()()dhtmlxgr…filter.js (line 25)

[Break on this error] _get_cell_value:function(row, ind, meth…, ind)method ? method : “getValue”},

The problem can occur if
- you are using filter in dynamic grid, where not data loaded yet ( filters can be applied only to the grids, where all data loaded on client side )
- you have non-unique IDs in your XML
- you have such row ID as 0, null or false

Can’t we have it where it will re-query the XML file to get results and add whatever was typed in as a parameter?

Please, provide more details about the issue to support@dhtmlx.com