DHTML Window


I am using the following function to freez the page except the dhtmlx window (when it is open)


It only freezes top portion of page. When i scroll down my page the lower part page is accessable. I want to freez this part also.

Kindly help




the following approach can be applied in this case:

You can place the overall container on the page - dhtmlxwindow viewport. This container can have any desired size In this case “modal” property will be applied inside this viewport (and the window will be show only inside it).

The example of setting viewport is dhtmlxWindows/samples/viewports/render_as.html

Hi. I have the same problem. I’ve made everything like in the example, the problem is resolved for Opera and Firefox, but is not resolved for IE. How can it be resolved for IE?


please see attached sample - possibly it’ll help

1245146691.zip (53.4 KB)