DHTMLEDITOR - limiting the number of characters


Using dhtmlxeditor, is it possible to limit the number of characters the user can enter?


There is no build in solution, but you can check a possible workaround here
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … 0669513000

Thanks for the link.  I’ve got this but am clearly missing something as this.length.value is null or not an object.

dhtmlxEvent(editor.edDoc, “keypress”, function(e){

if (this.value.length>=10) {

alert (“You have reached the maximum number of characters”);

return false;



Any ideas?

In case of dhtmlxEditor you can get its html content. Just for example:

dhtmlxEvent(editor.edDoc, “keypress”, function(e){

var html_content = editor.getContent();

if (html_content.length >= MAX_LENGTH) {

alert (“You have reached the maximum number of characters”);

return false;

