dhtmlForm - Data Not Loading

I can’t seem to get this dhtmlxForm to work. I am using my own form. I don’t get any errors anywhere - the form simply does not load any data from my database. I have successfully integrated a grid with no issues. What am I missing here?

Here is my contact_details_connector.php file:

<?php require_once('form_connector.php'); $res=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("xxxxxxxxx"); $form = new FormConnector($res); $form->render_table("contact_details","id","name"); ?>

Here is my form with my binding and form connectors. The 26 is the id of my record.

Name: var myForm = new dhtmlXForm("contact_details_form","contact_details_connector.php"); myForm.load(26);

Initialization code looks correct
Try to load
in separate window, and check that it outputs valid XML , without PHP errors.

The code worked fine and with no errors. So?

  • <user_id>
  • </user_id>

Try to use the attached js file instead of the original one.
dhtmlxform.zip (12.6 KB)

I tried the new js file. Same result.

check the attached sample
8937493.ZIP (25.5 KB)

That worked.

It seems the myForm.load(26) pointing to the js file is not working. Somehow the xml file is not getting recognized even though the connector works when I run it by itself (as seen above).

XML data need to be sent with
In other case, it will not be processed correctly by client side scripts ( connectors assign such headers by default )

Sorry, you lost me. What am I adding and where does it go?

If you are using connectors - you need not add anything, all headers must be sent automatically.
If you are providing xml data from any other source ( custom scripts, static files, etc. ) - you need to be sure that server will send data with correct xml headers.

In case of custom scripts - in can be done by adding special commands ( “header” in case of php ), in case of static files - be sure that your server sends files with extension which you are using as text/xml ( it can be configured in server configuration, must be a default setting in case of .xml files )

Ok, I understand what you mean now. In this case, I am using your connector not a custom script. Look at my initial comments above and see the connector I am using.

In case of connector - be sure that you have not any extra output before connector’s code.
Any white-space or new-line, which was outputted before connector’s code may break xml output in FF.