dhtmlscheduler in java hibernate


Thank you very much for your previous responses. i could run the dhtmlscheduler using connector in java. But i need to use it with hibernate instead of jdbc.Is there any solution…

or…please tell me is there any other way to access the database other than using url. or is it possible to get the url using hibernate too…

i dont want to use the connector. so please help with the js code which describes the storing of data into database and retrieving…so that i can connect it via hibernate

Thank You

Vineetha Thomas


unfortunately connectors don’t support hibernate. You create own script that will generate xml structure for scheduler.

Hello ,
i’m a beginner in J2EE development ,
i’m using dhtmlx scheduler in a J2EE project on eclipse (hibernate , apache tomcat , mysql )
i would like if some one can give me some indications about how to load data, how to save , how to modify and make my scheduler interactive with the database , using Hibernate .
i learnt that there is a " dhtmlx connector " , i wanna know if he can afford same functionalities of hibernate or not

thank you :slight_smile:

Check javaplanner.com/ it is a Java wrapper for dhtmlxScheduler, it has sample of hibernate usage.

thank you Stanislav :slight_smile: you made a big favor to me :*