DHTMLX Cookies and Timeline Extensions Conflict

I’m trying to use both extensions so that whenever the page is reloaded it stays on the same day.
However every time I use it with timeline it gives me this error:

dhtmlxscheduler.js:162 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘valueOf’ of undefined
at Object.scheduler.is_visible_events (dhtmlxscheduler.js:162)
at Object.scheduler.event_updated (dhtmlxscheduler.js:162)
at Object.scheduler.addEvent (dhtmlxscheduler.js:159)
at Object.e.addEvent (dhtmlxscheduler_recurring.js:24)
at Object.scheduler._process_loading (dhtmlxscheduler.js:200)
at Object.scheduler.on_load (dhtmlxscheduler.js:200)
at Object.scheduler.parse (dhtmlxscheduler.js:203)
at Object.success (scheduler.php:170)
at i (jquery-2.2.3.min:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-2.2.3.min:2)

FOLLOWED by a bunch of these

dhtmlxscheduler_timeline.js:57 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
at Object.e._timeline_drag_date (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … e.js:57:94)
at Object.e.(anonymous function) [as mouse_timeline] (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … .js:15:121)
at Object.scheduler._mouse_coords (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … .js:84:412)
at Object.scheduler.getActionData (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … js:122:331)
at Object. (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … .js:80:136)
at Object.z [as ev_onmousemove] (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … .js:39:496)
at Object.obj.callEvent (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … .js:39:277)
at Object.scheduler._on_mouse_move (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … r.js:97:55)
at HTMLDivElement._obj.onmousemove (localhost/abstract/FrontEnd/js/d … .js:74:120)

Any thoughts?


Could you please create a sample demo where the problem can be reproduced? It should help us understand the cause of it.

Or at least show us timeline configurations.

Sure no problem,

I get all info through an ajax call and the configs are these:

var data =  JSON.parse(response);
				var eventsArray = data['eventsArray'];
				var yArray = data['y_unit'];
				var shiftTypesArray = data['shiftTypeOptions'];
				var schedStops = data['schedStops'];
				var elements = Array();
				var shiftTypes = Array();
				for(var i in yArray){
						key: yArray[i]['key'],
						label: yArray[i]['label'] 
				for(var j in shiftTypesArray){
						key: shiftTypesArray[j]['key'],
						label: shiftTypesArray[j]['label'] 
				scheduler.locale.labels.timeline_tab  = "Diário";
				scheduler.locale.labels.timeline_tab2 = "Semanal";
				scheduler.config.multisection = true;

				scheduler.config.xml_date="%Y-%m-%d %H:%i";
				scheduler.config.prevent_cache = true;
				scheduler.config.repeat_date ="%d-%m-%Y";
				scheduler.config.wide_form = true;
				scheduler.locale.labels["swap_button"] = "Paragem Planeada";
				scheduler.config.include_end_by = true;
				scheduler.config.start_on_monday = false;
				scheduler.config.time_step = 15;
				var lightbox_PP = [
					{name:"Paragem Planeada",map_to:"text", type:"select", options: schedStops},
					{name:"Alterar Série", map_to:"isChecked", type:"checkbox", checked_value: 1,unchecked_value: 0},	
					{name:"recurring", type:"recurring", map_to:"rec_type", button:"recurring"},				
					{name:"time", type:"time", map_to:"auto"}
				var lightbox_turno = [
					{name:"Turno", map_to:"text", type:"select", options: shiftTypes},
					{name:"Alterar Série", map_to:"isChecked", type:"checkbox", checked_value: 1,unchecked_value: 0},	
					{name:"recurring", type:"recurring", map_to:"rec_type", button:"recurring"},
					{name:"time", type:"time", map_to:"auto"}
				scheduler.config.lightbox.sections = lightbox_turno;
					 x_unit:"minute",//measuring unit of the X-Axis.
					 x_date:"%H:%i", //date format of the X-Axis
					 x_step:120,//sets the '30 minute' step, e.g. 09:00 - 09:30
					 x_size:12,// the number of '30 minute's in a 9 hour interval
							   // 9 hours = 540 minutes = 540/30 = 18
					 x_lenght:12,//scrolls a day:1 day= 24 hours= 1440 minutes= 1440/30= 48 'x_step's
						x_unit: "day", // the measuring unit of the axis (by default, 'minute')
						x_date: "%D %d" //the date format of the axis ("July 01")
					 y_unit: elements,
					 y_property:"linhaID", //mapped data property
					 section_autoheight : false,
					 dy: 50,
					 render:"bar"            //view mode
					 x_unit:"hour",//measuring unit of the X-Axis.
					 x_date:"%H:%i", //date format of the X-Axis
					 x_step:8,//sets the '30 minute' step, e.g. 09:00 - 09:30
					 x_size:21,// the number of '30 minute's in a 9 hour interval
							   // 9 hours = 540 minutes = 540/30 = 18
					 x_lenght:2,//scrolls a day:1 day= 24 hours= 1440 minutes= 1440/30= 48 'x_step's
						x_unit: "day", // the measuring unit of the axis (by default, 'minute')
						x_date: "%F %D %d" //the date format of the axis ("July 01")
					 y_unit: elements,
					 y_property:"linhaID", //mapped data property
					 render:"bar"            //view mode

				scheduler.init('scheduler_here',new Date(),"timeline");

We tried to reproduce, but seems the issue is connected with data you load.

Could you reproduce the problem in snippet?
Or provide with access to your application, where the error occurs?

Sorry, I found a solution afterwars. I ended up storing in the DB the last event and type of view and loading it everytime the scheduler starts