dhtmlx creating a day timeline view does not display.

I’m having a problem showing a custom day view when I add it to the scheduler.

Here is an image in the default month view

Here is an image when I click on the day button

Nothing renders in the sections for day view.

Here is the initialization code.


setCustomLabels() {
    // Set the label for our tab 'Days'
    if (scheduler.locale !== undefined)
        scheduler.locale.labels.dtimeline_tab = "Day";

    // Set the label for our tab 'Timeline' is our div
    if (scheduler.locale !== undefined)
        scheduler.locale.labels.timeline_tab = "Month";

createTimeLineViews(resources, activities) {

    scheduler.config.api_date = "%y-%M-%d";
    scheduler.config.timeline_size_px = 8;
    scheduler.config.drag_resize = false;


        name: "dtimeline",
        x_unit: "day",
        x_date: "%M %d",
        x_step: 1,
        x_size: 24,
        x_start: 16,
        x_length: 12,
        y_unit: scheduler.serverList('sections', resources),
        dy: 150,
        section_autoheight: false,
        event_dy: 35,
        folder_dy: 150,
        event_min_dy: 35,
        y_property: "section_id",
        render: "bar"

        name: "timeline",
        x_unit: "month",
        x_date: "%M",
        x_step: 1,
        x_size: 12,
        x_start: 0,
        x_length: 12,
        y_unit: scheduler.serverList('sections', resources),
        dy: 150,
        section_autoheight: false,
        event_dy: 35,
        folder_dy: 150,
        event_min_dy: 35,
        y_property: "section_id",
        render: "bar"

    var currentQuarter = this.getQuarterFirstDay(new Date());
    var oneMonthAfterCurrentQuarter = new Date(currentQuarter.setMonth(currentQuarter.getMonth() + 1));

    scheduler.init('scheduler_here', oneMonthAfterCurrentQuarter, "timeline");

    scheduler.parse(activities, "json");

Please check the sample how to change displayed time range dynamically in Timeline
Switch views by scrolling.

I figured out the problem. I called both of my sections “section”. After changing the custom view to “day_section” it works correctly. Thank you.