DhtmlX DataProcessor

I am trying to update the database using Data Processor

Whenever I make changes in the treegrid it gives me a Javascript error as –


Log Says (debugger) –


row 12 marked as updated

Initiating data sending for 12

Code Snippet –

dp = new dataProcessor(“Update.jsp”);







Dataprocessor init code is correct. Problem related to the grid configuration.
Which column types you are using in the grid?
Similar error may occur if you are trying to access data in cell with complex content, but somehow it contains an empty value.

 I have come across new error, using error console in Mozilla I figured out

C is undefined
var i_c=i;var c=this.obj.cells(r.idd,i);if (this._changed && !c.wasChanged()) continue;if (this._endnm)str+="&"+pref+this.obj.getColumnId(i)+"="+this.escape(c.getValue());else

code snippet--

mygrid.setHeader("Research,Animal,Comments, Date, Study Desc, Rating, Comments1, Scan Time, FOV, Echo, Reptime, NRep, Spt Resol, SliceThick, NSLice, Slice Gap, Slice Dist, Slice Orient, XSize, YSize, ZSize, TSize");
mygrid.setColumnIds("Research,Animal,Comments, Date, Study Desc, Rating, Comments1, Scan Time, FOV, Echo, Reptime, NRep, Spt Resol, SliceThick, NSLice, Slice Gap, Slice Dist, Slice Orient, XSize, YSize, ZSize, TSize");

C is undefined
>> var i_c=i;var c=this.obj.cells(r.idd,i);
Such error can occur only if you are using row with non-unique or empty IDs
Unfortunately we not able to reconstruct the same problem locally. If issue still occurs for you - please provide any kind of sample where problem can be reconstructed or link to the demo page ( such info can be sent directly to support@dhtmlx.com )