dhtmlx Grid Accents Problem

HI!, im evaluating the free grid version, and i get Incorrect XML when i try to get XML with accents (iso-8859-1).

Im, using PHP an IE, here goes an example of my XML (hardcoded in the Dynamic Document for testing) :

$encode = “<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>”;

echo $encode . “<rows pos=”">

<row id=“30”>

Test accentes

Test acc�nts


When i remove the “�” from “Test acc�nts” row, everything works fine…can anybody helps?


This must work correctly if you sent correct document header


please inform if problem still occurs for you - we will provide working sample with same XML content.

I have tow PHP pages, the first where are the includes and the definition of the grid and the second one where i build the XML, in wich one do you say that i have te add that Header?

I send you the files, so you can see that both are very simple, and only stop working which accents.


Thanks for all.!

IDS_OD_FORMULAListDynShort.php.zip (882 Bytes)
IDS_OD_FORMULAListShort.php.zip (2.31 KB)

Command can be placed anywhere before starting real output ( echo commands )
Please check attached sample.

1196701464.ZIP (58 KB)

OK, that works fine!!!

One more question, im interested to buy DHTMLXGrid and DHTMLXTree, that includes Source Code of everything?

All packages contains source code ( in case of pro version it contains additional extensions source code and full code of main js files )
By default source code stored in package\dhtmlxGrid\sources<br>