DHTMLX Grid : enableHeaderMenu(), customize and serializeToC

Hi there,

I am using enableHeaderMenu() to show context menu for column, but can I customize the context menu options which are shown ??? I want to have options like “Add Column”, “Remove Column” etc.

Also when I use serializeToCSV(), then I want that if I uncheck a column, its content should not in included in CSV format, how to do this ?

I want to have options like “Add Column”, “Remove Column” etc.
The content of header menu is hardcoded, you can customize
dhtmlxgrid_hmenu.js ( line 78 )
in any necessary way.

>>its content should not in included in CSV format
can be done as
var csv=[];
if (mygrid.cells(id,0).getValue()==1)
csv = csv.join("\n");