dhtmlx grid grouping row does not honor the numeric format


I have a dhtmlxgrid with a few numeric columns of data type “ron”.
The numeric format is set using the setnumberformat method for the column to be 0,000.00
however when the value in the rows zero the grid row for the group by for stat_total
only shows a 0 instead of showing 0.00
For any other values the formatting works.

Is there a fix for it.


The issue is confirmed. We’re working on it.

Please, try to add the following code after the included dhtmlx files on your page:

eXcell_ron.prototype.setValue=function(val){ if (val === 0){} else if (!val||val.toString()._dhx_trim() == ""){ this.setCValue(" "); return this.cell._clearCell=true; } this.cell._orig_value = val; this.cell._clearCell=false; val = val || 0; this.setCValue(this.grid._aplNF(val, this.cell._cellIndex)); }


Thank you for the response and the fix,
However could you please clarify a little , you want me to add it to my JavaScript files or the
dhtmlx files included in my JavaScript.


You may add the mentioned in the end of the using dhtmlx.js.
Also you may add these lines right on your page.

Main thing:
the fix is redefining the logic of the “ron” excell. so you need to load your dhtmlx.js and only after that redefine the logic.
For example: