I am using dhtmlx grid.

I get the data from AJAX(not dhtmlx AJAX) and split the data to add rows in dhtmlx grid. Before adding the rows i need to perform some operations on each row data(filtration of rows on bases of some permissions related to that particular record) than add the rows that fulfill the condition using mygrid.addrow(…) in a loop. When the data set is big (about 1000 rows) than system becomes very slow on loading.

My question is how can i apply smart rendering on this?

If smart rendering is only applicable on XML method than how can i apply filtration on rows?


Umair Tariq


Smart Rendering can increase grid perfomance only while using loading methods (load(), parse() etc). addRow() method is not loading method. You can generate xml string and parse it with parse() method. In such case loading perfomance will be better. Please find more information about loading types here dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxG … bs_biggrid

>>If smart rendering is only applicable on XML method than how can i apply filtration on rows?
You can filter rows before you add them to the grid. If rows were not added to the grid, there is no way to filter them.