dhtmlx - Grid totaly dose not work!!!
here is the doc, but is dose not work in my testing code.
Standard JSON format
Note, starting from version 3.5 you have the possibility to use the standard JSON format in dhtmlxGrid:
{ “col1”: “value”,
“col2”: “value”,
“col3”: “value”
{ “col1”: “value”,
“col2”: “value”,
“col3”: “value”
where ‘col1’, ‘col2’, ‘col3’ are colums ids set with the setColumnIds() method:
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject(‘gridbox’);
mygrid.setColumnIds(“col1”, “col2”, “col3”);
Watch out!
Using the standard JSON format you can set just row values and that’s it. Attributes of extended dhtmlxGrid-based JSON format, such as ‘style’, ‘selected’, are not available.
To set the standard JSON format for data, call method load with the ‘js’ value as the second parameter: