I am using 3J layout in that layout “a” i have a gird with hyper links in it. and in B by default i have define 2 tabs through contenthref by an XML file,
When user select any link in the grid, i am creating a new tab and adding its functionality.
My question is,
After user select any tab, (from the active tabs), DHTMLX tabber reinitializing to main page which i don’t want, i want to maintain the current stage
For example
dhtmlx.com/docs/products/doc … tmlxtabbar
Having 2 tabs
1.Google groups
2.Google search
When i search some thing in the tab 1st and move to 2nd tab and do the same, after i came back to 1st tab, it will have the current stage(instead reinitializing back to 1st page) , wants the same functionality.
can you guide me
>> After user select any tab, (from the active tabs), DHTMLX tabber reinitializing to main page which i don’t want, i want to maintain the current stage
The tabbar doesn’t refresh neither its content, nor the page automatically. What did you mean ?
Please, provide the sample or direct link to reproduce the issue if tabbar causes page reloading.