I have an question regarding the positioning of items on the menu. I would like to align the items on the menu to the right. By default the items are aligned to the left. For example, the current format displays
File Edit Format Layout
I would like to have it as
File Edit Format Layout
How do we do this? Also, is it possible to give a gap between items in the menu ? For example,
File Edit Format Layout
Please respond at your earliest convinience. I am using the latest version of the control.
Niranjan Avadhuta.
I would like to align the items on the menu to the right.
dhtmlxMenu 2.0 support topLevel items rendering only to the left side.
>> is it possible to give a gap between items in the menu ?
1. in the code:
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._redistribTopLevelPositions = function() {
w += this.base.childNodes[q].offsetWidth;
// fix to
w += this.base.childNodes[q].offsetWidth + 10; // 10 is a gap on the right side
2. in the code:
dhtmlXMenuObject.prototype._renderToplevelItem = function(id, pos) {
if (pos != null) { this.base.insertBefore(m, this.base.childNodes[pos]); this._redistribTopLevelPositions(); } else { this.base.appendChild(m); }
// fix to
if (pos != null) { … } else
{ this.base.appendChild(m); this._redistribTopLevelPositions(); }
another way:
fix in css:
div.dhtmlxMenu_dhx_blue_TopLevel_Item_Normal {
div.dhtmlxMenu_dhx_blue_TopLevel_Item_Disabled {
div.dhtmlxMenu_dhx_blue_TopLevel_Item_Selected {
padding-left: 7px;
padding-right: 7px;