I’m trying to display the only event I have in my database in the scheduler.
The php connector on the server-side seems to retreive the event I created but the scheduler doesn’t display it.
Instead, I have a javascript alert that displays the data in XML format from the database.
Here is the code :
How to start
html, body{
$conn = new SchedulerConnector($res);
Any help is appreciated.
the code seems correct.
Note that default connector samples uses “%Y-%m-%d %H:%i”, instead of “%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s” date format. However i’m not sure that it could be the problem. Can you attach a demo (html page with scheduler, php with connector and an sql dump of the events table) so we could reproduce the problem?
Thanks for your answer. I decided to use this date format because my database (mysql) uses this date format.
I looked on the internet but I couldn’t find any demo that allows a complete web development environment. Instead I give you a zip file that contains the html scheduler, php connector and an export of my database table in xml. Demo.7z (370 KB)
Your php file has a whitespace before opening <?php tag, it breaks the xml response. The attached version should work correctly. You can also use a JSON version of the connector, it wouldn’t have had such issues Connector.zip (304 Bytes)