Hi there,
So … I am a newbie with HTML, JS, CSS. I have only read through basic/intermediate sections of those.
I currently have “index.html” (JQuery lib imported) that has this button:
<div class="ui-block-b">
<a href="events.html" data-transition="slide">
And in “Events.html”. I want to have a navigation bar and dhtmlxscheduler.
If I open Events.html on my browser I can see the dhtmlxscheduler. But if I click the button from index.html, then the transition takes place but I can only see the navigation bar after that, dhtmlxscheduler is not visible.
Wondering if some one can give an example codes of using dhtmlxscheduler on Jquery Mobile. Something that has two views. One of them has a button to go to the other one, and in the other one, there is a navigation bar and dhtmlxscheduler
Tks heaps!