DHTMLX scheduler with Jquery mobile

Hi there,

So … I am a newbie with HTML, JS, CSS. I have only read through basic/intermediate sections of those.

I currently have “index.html” (JQuery lib imported) that has this button:

				<div class="ui-block-b">
					<a href="events.html" data-transition="slide">

And in “Events.html”. I want to have a navigation bar and dhtmlxscheduler.

If I open Events.html on my browser I can see the dhtmlxscheduler. But if I click the button from index.html, then the transition takes place but I can only see the navigation bar after that, dhtmlxscheduler is not visible. :confused:

Wondering if some one can give an example codes of using dhtmlxscheduler on Jquery Mobile. Something that has two views. One of them has a button to go to the other one, and in the other one, there is a navigation bar and dhtmlxscheduler :cry:

Tks heaps!

Please help :frowning: :cry: