DHTMLX Slider - reverse direction


A minor question - is it possible to make Slider to work in opposite direction. I.e. when drag to the left value should increase.

I have tried to set minValue(100) maxValue(1) - it did the trick if to use only slider - but if I try to enter sth into linked input - it behaves “crazy”.

Thanks in advance!



it is possible using onChange event. For example:

var maxValue = 100; //slider max value
var linkedInput = document.getElementById (‘input1’); // manually link the slider with an input box

slider.attachEvent (“onChange”,
function (value) {
var newValue = maxValue - value //get opposite value
linkedInput.value = newValue; //set new value to the linked input box
this._setTooltip (newValue); //set new tooltip
slider.enableTooltip (false); //disable default tooltip value

Thanks Alex.