Dhtmlx touch form

Can someone point out what I’m doing wrong and send me in the right direction. I’m having trouble submitting form data. Here’s the code from the client page:

        <meta  name = "viewport" content = "initial-scale = 1.0, maximum-scale = 1.0, user-scalable = no">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="../includes/dhtmlxTouch/codebase/touchui.css" type="text/css" />
		<script src="../includes/dhtmlxTouch/codebase/touchui.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="../style/sonicboom.css" type="text/css" />
	  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
												{view:"form", width:400, id:"testform1", elements:[{view: "text", labelWidth:120, label: "Goal Name", name:"name"},
                          {view: "text", labelWidth:120, label: "Description", name:"text"},
                          {view: "text", labelWidth:120, label: "Content", name:"content"},
                          {view: "button", type:"form", label:"Save", click:"save_form"}
				      	{css:"areaB", view:"dataview", id:"viewGoals",  width:600, height:600, 
				      		xCount:2, yCount:5, type:{template: "<p class='bananna'><b>Goal Name </b>#name#
				      			height:320, width:370}
			var viewGoalsProcessor = new dhx.DataProcessor({
				master:$$('viewGoals'),//specifies a linked datasource
				url:"../control/retrofit.php"//defines the path to the file which will get change requests
			function save_form(){
				var newRecord = {id:dhx.uid()};

Now, Here’s the code from the server:



$conn = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
//Connect to the database
$dataCourse = new DataViewConnector($conn, "MySQL"); // replaced    $data = new DataViewConnector($conn);
//$dataCourse->enable_log("logDataCourse1.txt", true); // create a log file
//$dataCourse->render_sql("SELECT * from courses where course='course 1'");
    if ($dataCourse->is_select_mode()){
    	//code for loading data
        $dataCourse->render_table("goal", "id", "name, text, content");//table name, ID, list of properties
    }else{ //code for other operations - i.e. update/insert/delete
        $dataCourse->render_table("goal", "id", "name, points, content");//table name, ID, list of properties

If you execute the code above you will find that a new item is created in the dataview. However, it contains none of the data from the form.

Change you existing code as

function save_form(){ var newRecord = $$('testform1').getValues(); newRecord.id = dhx.uid(); $$('viewGoals').add(newRecord); }

form.save can be used for updating item which is already selected but when there is no selection, it has no sense.