Dhtmlx tree connector problem in YII

I want to use dhtmlx tree integrated with yii and these are my codes:
view code:

<script src="/dhtmlx/dhtmlx.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dhtmlx/dhtmlx.css" type="text/css" charset="utf-8">

	<div id="tree_here" style="width:250px; height:600px;">


			tree=new dhtmlXTreeObject("tree_here","100%","100%",0);
			var dp = new dataProcessor("./tree_data");


and this is my action code in controller:

public function actionTree_data()
		$tree = new TreeConnector(MenuItem::model(), "PHPYii");

also I this action and view into YII Scheduler sample and use all of the library file in this demo.
But when I request this action I get an error in javascript alert somthing like this:

fatal error: maximum function nesting level of 100 reached,aborting …

please help me.

Unfortunately this approach will not work for the hierarchical data
For Tree and TreeGrid you need to use connector directly against the DataBase, as it need to access the data directly to make recursive queries.

something like

$tree = new TreeConnector($connection, "PDO"); $tree->render_table("mytreetable","menu_item_id","name,parent","","parent");