Dhtmlx v3 Unable to set calendar position using setPosition

is it a bug ? I am using dhtmlx v3.0 and I am unable to set calendar position.

setPosition works with old version (eg. v2.5)

Can you confirm pls ?

Updated: I used v.2.1 build 90226 which has the setPosition work


the way to create my calendar as:

<!-- calendar position resets to [0,0]-->
var cal = new dhtmlxCalendarObject(element);
<!-- calendar position resets to [0,0]-->
var cal = new dhtmlxCalendarObject(element);
cal.base.style.left = '100px';
cal.base.style.top = '200px';
var cal = new dhtmlxCalendarObject(element);
cal.show(100,200); //give me Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of undefined

For some reason, cal.show() reset the position back to [0, 0].

Please respond as I have been stuck with this problem for several days already.

We fixed the problem with setPosition. Please try to use the attached libraries instead of the originals.
calendar.zip (12.6 KB)

thx, it fixes my problem.

I just want to know if it is allright to include the dhtmlx.js and dhtmlx.css (compiled version) with dhtmlxcalendar.js and dhtmlxcalendar.css on the same page load ? Does it conflict ?

Thanks so much.

You need to include them after dhtmlx.js and dhtmlx.css. This won’t cause conflict.