dhtmlx windows new issues urgent help required


Can you please help me in this.

I have 3 forms i.e. say 1.aspx , 2.aspx and 3.aspx

1.aspx page has button 1 on click of which i am creating new dhtmlx window and attaching 2.aspx page url.

i.e. newwindow1.attachurl(“2.aspx”)

On 2.aspx page i am having another button 2 on click of which i am creating new dhtmlx window and attaching 3.aspx page url.

i.e. newwindow2.attachurl(“3.aspx”)

How can i achieve this?

I tried this as above but 3.aspx is getting opened in newwindow1(i.e. parent window) dhtmlx window but i want it to open in newwindow2.

And newwindow1 should remain as it is.

Please help ASAP.



Northgate Information Solution.


attachURL method loads page into iframe.

So, you can call the following method from 1.aspx page to create new window.

var newwindow2 = parent.dhxWins.createWindow(…);

Where dhxWins is wondows object that was created on the main page.