dhtmlxAccordion multimode open one cell and close others

Hi is there any way to get all cells closed but one if the grid has multimode enabled?

I tried with following functions (most of the code I got it from ‘setIcon’ function myAcc.cells(id).setIcon(“icon.png”); ):

dhtmlXAccordionCell.prototype.setMaximizeCell = function(icon) {
    var acc=this.acc;
    var _cell = this;
    var dhx_cell_hdr_max = ' position:absolute; top:6px; right:4px; width:16px; height:16px; margin-right:20px; cursor:pointer;';
    var t = this.cell.childNodes[this.conf.idx.hdr];
    if (t.lastChild.className != "dhx_cell_hdr_max") {
        t.lastChild.className += " dhx_cell_hdr_max";
        var k = document.createElement("IMG");
        k.className = "dhx_cell_hdr_max";
        k.style.cssText += dhx_cell_hdr_max;

        k.addEventListener('click',function (e) {
            // avoid event propagation so that cell is not clicked and close/open cell is not triggered.
            e = e||event;
            if (typeof e.stopPropagation != "undefined")e.stopPropagation();
            else e.cancelBubble = true;

            acc.forEachItem(function (cell) {

        t.insertBefore(k,null); // insert last;
        k = null;
    t.lastChild.src = this.acc.conf.icons_path+icon;
    t = null;

and :

dhtmlXAccordionCell.prototype.setMaximizeCell = function(icon) {
    var acc=this.acc;
    var _cell = this;
    var dhx_cell_hdr_max = ' position:absolute; top:6px; right:4px; width:16px; height:16px; margin-right:20px; cursor:pointer;';
    var t = this.cell.childNodes[this.conf.idx.hdr];
    if (t.lastChild.className != "dhx_cell_hdr_max") {
        t.lastChild.className += " dhx_cell_hdr_max";
        var k = document.createElement("IMG");
        k.className = "dhx_cell_hdr_max";
        k.style.cssText += dhx_cell_hdr_max;

        k.addEventListener('click',function (e) {
            // avoid event propagation so that cell is not clicked and close/open cell is not triggered.
            e = e||event;
            if (typeof e.stopPropagation != "undefined")e.stopPropagation();
            else e.cancelBubble = true;

            acc.forEachItem(function (cell) {

        t.insertBefore(k,null); // insert last;
        k = null;
    t.lastChild.src = this.acc.conf.icons_path+icon;
    t = null;

I also tried an external function like that (in this example the accordion has only 4 cells a,b,c,d) and this didn’t work either:

function openCellCloseOther(cellId){

In all this cases, it almost works correctly but something fails. The opened cell does not expand to its maximum height, or all cells stay closed.

Thanks ind advance.

Can you please provide a bit more info, why you need such a functionality? The behavior when all cells except of one are closed is a single mode, so why not use it instead of multimode in the first place?

thanks for your quick reply.

I need to have multiple cells opened at the same time.
I want to add this functionality to be able to close them all and let one open (kind of a shortcut, so i don’t need to close all cells one by one and let the one i want open).


meanwhile, that’s the best solution found :

dhtmlXAccordionCell.prototype.setMaximizeCell = function(icon) {
    var acc=this.acc;
    var _cell = this;
    var dhx_cell_hdr_max = ' position:absolute; top:6px; right:4px; width:16px; height:16px; margin-right:20px; cursor:pointer;';
    var t = this.cell.childNodes[this.conf.idx.hdr];
    if (t.lastChild.className != "dhx_cell_hdr_max") {
        t.lastChild.className += " dhx_cell_hdr_max";
        var k = document.createElement("IMG");
        k.className = "dhx_cell_hdr_max";
        k.style.cssText += dhx_cell_hdr_max;

        k.addEventListener('click',function (e) {
            // avoid event propagation so that cell is not clicked and close/open cell is not triggered.
            e = e||event;
            if (typeof e.stopPropagation != "undefined")e.stopPropagation();
            else e.cancelBubble = true;

            acc.conf.multi_mode = false;// workarround // temporally disable multimode.
            acc.forEachItem(function (cell) {

        t.insertBefore(k,null); // insert last;
        k = null;
    t.lastChild.src = this.acc.conf.icons_path+icon;
    t = null;

There is a little workarround; I disable the multimode temporally , close all cells, open the one i clicked, setSizes (for visual effects), and re-enable multimode.

However i would prefer to find a better solution, if there is a better way.


Hi, did you find some better solution?



There are no simple way to achieve such result and your solution has not any serious drawbacks.
We will consider adding a similar functionality as a part of standard API in next builds.