dhtmlxAjax Timeout

I’m newcommer in web applications and also I’m amateur in english word!!! :smiley: :smiley:

I have a form that send an Ajax request to the server to create a backup. In some case it may take 2 hours to complete and regretfully I face an ‘Internal server error 500’, despite the server is in progress. How can I force my form to stay more for answer from server???


‘Internal server error 500’ usually means Internal server error 500 :slight_smile:
and I think you have to configure server, not client.

what server do you use?

Thank you for your attention. My problem solved. And as you said it was related to server…
I am using linux with PHP 5.3.3 and set_time_limit(300); was the answer of my problem, and NOT ajax Timeout. :blush: