Dhtmlxcalendar bug. Cannot select 28th Feb when used in form


We are currently using dhtmlxsuite Pro, and have found a bug. If you embed the calendar in a form, then select date ‘28th Feb’ (any year will cause this problem) - the date is converted to ‘28th Mar’.

I have a repeatable test case which I can attach as a zip file (if you are happy for me to upload the dhtmlx_pro_full file as part of this).

It’s causing some real problems for our clients, as this date is basically unselectable.

Version is: dhtmlxSuite 2011 Rel.1 (DHTMLX 3.0) Professional edition build 110713


please provide completed demo including all coprresponding js/css files (you can send it to support@dhtmlx.com if any)

Thanks Andrei - the demo files have been sent over to your support address.