dhtmlxCalendar calendar adopting style of parent table


I’m having a problem where the dhtmlxCalendar calendar popup is adopting the style of the parent table even though I’ve included the dhtmlxcalendar.css. (See attached image for an example.) Even if I move the calendar outside of a table and make it a child of the document body, it is still styled incorrectly.

I’ve confirmed that the CSS is accessible. I’m at a bit of a loss as to why this is happening. Here is a snippet of the code that generates this:

Transactions: search_index
		<td>Transaction Date:</td>
		<td><input type="text" id="calInput1" style="width: 200px; font-size:12px;" readonly="true"></td>



Any help is appreciated.

a) try to change order of css includes ( include calendar’s css ) the last
b) check that you are not using !important rule in other css files