Hi there,
I have an input field, and I’d like to pick a series of dates to put in there.
For example:
- The input field would initially be blank.
- I would click into it, the calendar opens.
- I click January 1st.
- Input field now contains: 2011-01-01.
- I click into the field again, the calendar opens again.
- I click February 2nd.
- Input field now contains: 2011-01-01, 2011-02-02.
I have tried to block the onClick event so that I could catch the selected date and manually append it to the input, instead of the calendar overwriting it. But returning false doesn’t stop this behaviour. Has anyone got any suggestions?
I expected the code below to stop the selected date being pushed into the input field, but no joy
var cal = new dhtmlxCalendarObject(["input1"]);
cal.attachEvent("onClick", function (date) {
// select input and append the string returned by the cal.getDate() function
return false;