There seems to be a problem with the calendar control in IE. A white box is positioned behind the calendar (not always exactly sometimes offset by a pixel or two leaving a white line visible). When the user resizes the window the box remains but the calendar moves leaving a horrid white box. Calendar with rounded edging such as dhx_black some the box behind always. Probably not noticed by most people using white backgrounds, unless it covers other form elements.
I saw a reference to this from June, but I’ve tried that and it does not fix the problem, I also tried the 2.5 beta build but the problem is still there.
IE 8.0.6001.18702
For now I’m simply not using static calendars (to avoid the problem I have the calendar appear and disappear as needed and not using a calendar with rounded corners)
Is there a fix/workaround for this problem?
White box is an iframe (it’s the fix for IE select bug).
We are planning to implement the solution that will allow to disable showing the iframe this week.
The workaround will be sent you when it’s ready.
I also have the same problem with IE 8.
Do you have a solution for it?
the latest calendar version provides disableIESelectFix method that allows to solve the issue: