Mmm… I realized that probably column type “ro”, it’s not the right one. I tryed with “ed”, but the result is the same. I also used “combo”, but in this case nothing is displaied…
Thanks for the replay smatik.
Sorry I was not clear in my first post, I would like to have a combo cell, not a combo column.
The example you provided me is related to combo column, there is no combo cell.
The tutorial has a secotion Setting “combo” Cell and indead I started from it in order to build my test.
So I tried to create a table with two colums and two rows. Il like to have a combo only in the second cell of the second row, the other three cells should have simple text.
Column 1
Column 2
I tried to set the type of the second column to “combo”, but I still have [object Element] in the cell.
Is there any working example for combo cell scenario?
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