dhtmlxcombo integrated dhtmlxform

I need your help
I have the next code
var formData = [
{type: “settings”, position: “label-top”},
{type: “fieldset”, name: “mydata”, label: “Details”, inputWidth:230, list:[
{type: “block”, list:[
{type: “label”, offsetTop:8, label: “Sucursal”},
{type: “input”, name:“sucursal”, inputWidth:120, validate: “NotEmpty” },
{type: “label”, offsetTop:8, label: “Nombre”},
{type: “input”, name:“nombre”, inputWidth:120}
{type: “block”, list:[
{type: “label”, offsetTop:8, label: “Departamento”},
{type: z = new dhtmlXCombo(“depto”, “id_depto”, 200), offsetTop:8,name:“id_depto”,
onchange: z.enableFilteringMode(true),
options: z.loadXML("./xml.php?accion=depto")}]
type: z2 = z.setAutoSubCombo("./xml.php?accion=ciudad", “id_ciudad”)

{type: “block”, list:[
{type: “label”, offsetTop:43, label: “Direccion”},
{type: “input”, inputWidth:160, name:“direccion”},
{type: “button”, offsetTop:8,name:“add”, value:“Adicionar”},

{type: “newcolumn”},
{type: “button”, offsetTop:8, name:“modificar”, value:“Modificar”}
{type: “block”, list:[
// {type: “button”, offsetTop:8, name:“add”, value:“add record”},
{type: “button”, name:“delete”, offsetTop:8, value:“delete record”}

myForm = layout.cells(“b”).attachForm(formData);


$data = new JSONDataConnector($conn, “MySQL”);


is ok, but the value of “id_depto” and “id_ciudad” is null , and not save the value in the table in mysql

You initilize “comb” item time incorrectly. You should use:

{type: "combo", name: "myCombo", label: "Select Band"...

Tutorial docs.dhtmlx.com/doku.php?id=dhtmlxform:dhxcombo
Example dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dht … combo.html

yes , but I want use the function

new dhtmlXCombo(“depto”, “id_depto”, 200), offsetTop:8,name:“id_depto”,
onchange: z.enableFilteringMode(true),
options: z.loadXML("./xml.php?accion=depto")}]

I not see a example where explain this.


Unfortunately form does not support init-conf you trying to use.
Check post above - it contain links for tutorial and example.