dhtmlxcombo problem with autopositioning and IE

Hey guys,

I do have a problem with dhtmlxcombo boxes in IE.

I do create the combo boxes with combofromselect() and the dhx_skyblue skin. I use enableOptionAutoPositioning and enableOptionAuotHeight for select boxes that do have less than 15 values in them. The problem in IE comes with combo boxes that open upward and do have no scroll bar in them (optionautoheight). The boxes open and show all values, but for the first time I open a box with these functions on it, it would open a blank field downward. After deselecting that box and select it again that blank box seems to disappear and everything works fine…

That bug only seems to appear in IE and when a box opens upward due to autopositioning.

For more than 15 values i would use setOptionHeight, which seems to work fine in any cases.

In FF everything seems to work fine…

Regards, Benny

Attached to this post is a sample where this “bug” is shown. Can anyone provide a fix for this?
combosample.rar (19.5 KB)

It seems like everything works right.
Could you provide us screenshots of the issue?

It seems like everything works right.
Could you provide us screenshots of the issue?


combosample1 provides the “bug” when i open the select box for the first time.
combosample2 shows that everthing seem to work fine when opened again.


that issue only occurs in IE

We’ve fixed this issue. Replace the attached file.
dhtmlxcombo_whp.rar (1.17 KB)

thank you very much for your support!

You are welcome!