I am populating my select options for my Combo from a postgresql db. I would like to update my db with any new/changed values when they are selected. Is this possible?
Combo doesn’t provide any built-in functionality to save selected value.
There is only the ability to get selected value:
var value = combo.getActualValue():
Here saveValue can be any function that saves the value. You can use for example dhtmlxAjax to set the value to a server.
Thanks for that!!
I am using dhtmlAjax as suggested, but I’m getting this error “dhtmlObject.waitCall.call is not a function” in dhtmlxcommon.js (line 16)
Please check the ready sample dhtmlxAjax/samples/samples_of_usage/01_send_request.html
If the issue persists, please provide the js code related to dhtmlxAjax.
I used the code from the sample provided.
Here’s my code
For demo purpose only :: &1
MetricMetric (AU)US
there is the issue in your code. Try to use
It’s a beautiful thing - thanks!!!