
Dear Sir,

I have one problem regarding dhtmlxCombo in Internet Explorer. I have a form with many select elements. Some of them are dhtmlxCombo lists. Now when I click on some combo, it drops down, but the list is not at the highest level (in front of all other elements); some underlying select elements show in front of this list. So when this list of items shows up, on it the underlying elements show through (like they are flying). Is there any way to set the level of the combo lists (with different settings for each combo)?

Yours sincerely,

Marcel Golias.

The combo has built in workaround , which must prevent issue with select elements in IE ( with is known IE bug )
If problem caused by some custom created absolute positioned containers, you can try to increase z-index of combo’s list. It can be done as
z-index:230; //<< this value

If issue occurs with plain selects in IE - please try to use latest version of dhtmlxcombo ( attached to post )

dhtmlxcombo_latest.zip (9.09 KB)

Dear Sir,
the problem still persist even after I tried to increase the z-index, and even after using the latest version of “dhtmlxcombo.js”.
Please, can you look at my site, so that you can watch it yourself? Use the following login:
username: ######
password: ######
After the succesful login click on the green “J - clanek v odbornem casopise”. You should be redirected on the following page:
Now there are 3 combo boxes. Click on the one at the bottom called “Zeme vydani”. You will see my problem!
PS: Use Internet Explorer 6 !!! (in IE7 and Firefox there is no problem with it).
Yours sincerely,
Marcel Golias.

Issue caused by changing the default height of list element, while it change the heigh correctly, it block the built in workaround for “select” bug in IE.
To resolve issue add next line to exsting code

if (a.DOMlistF) a.DOMlistF.style.height=“SOMEpx”;

Dear Sir,
thank you VERY MUCH for your quick and kind support!!!
Your solution really helped me. I was using this code for combo boxes whose height was smaller than 135px, in which case the underlying iframe box became visible. But I did not use it with other combo boxes. Thank you once again!

By the way, the thin black border surrounding the combo list sometimes disappears (only on some [not on all] underlying SELECT elements), so the line looks like dashed line. Do you have any idea how to make it clearly visible (on the whole perimeter)?

By the way, the thin black border surrounding the combo list sometimes disappears (only on some [not on all] underlying SELECT elements), so the line looks like dashed line. Do you have any idea how to make it clearly visible (on the whole perimeter)?

Unfortunately the issue can’t be reconstructed from our side. If select fully replace HTML, you can try to increase style of DOMlistF on 1px relative to size fo DOMlist ( it may be necessary in case of IE6 with full doctype used ) , but if it break only part of border - it hardly can be fixed.