dhtmlxcommon compatability


I site currently uses v.1.5 build 80319 of dthmlxcommon, along with the grid, treegrid(pro), tabbar, and other widgets. I’d like to upgrade the toolbar to version 2.1, which uses v.2.1 build 90226. Will there be problems if I were to upgrade common, and the toolbar only?


the dhtmlxcommon.js should always be latest. If you use toolbar 2.1, you should include common from this package. This file will be compatible with previous components versions (treegrid 1.5 and others).

New version of dhtmlxcommon.js can be used with old versions of components ( not visa verse )

>> Will there be problems if I were to upgrade common, and the toolbar only?
No problem must occur.
But beware that grid 1.5 will not be able work in “paging with toolbar” mode, while using dhtmlxtoolbar 2.x